First 2011 Post: Blogging Resolution

I'll be up front with you: I'm a poster child for failing to live up to resolutions I've made in the past, so there's some risk in putting this out here were everyone can see.  Maybe it will make my failure that much more public; maybe it will help me put in the time and energy needed to keep them.  Only time will tell.

I feel like there is a lot of untapped potential with this space.  In my old job it was untapped because I wasn't allowed to post a good portion of the content that I had written.  In my new job I have the freedom to post almost anything I think would provide value, yet I look around at the group of VCE bloggers and find myself intimidated into silence.  I'm a sapling among very, very tall trees and that means I've placed a probably unfairly high bar on things I feel are worth sharing. 

So, my blogging resolution for 2011 is that I'm going to put up one post every 2 weeks at a minimum, and I'm going to shoot for one per week.  I'm going to put time on my calendar to sit down, collect up all of the links and ideas I've put aside and put together a post.  I'm not going to get better or find a groove unless I put more words on paper (as it were).  Your feedback here will help me know if I'm going in the right direction!

I wish all of you a great 2011.  VCE and her parent companies are planning some incredible things (RECORD BREAKING things, even…) and I'm excited to get to go along for the ride!