EMC World 2011 in Words and Pictures

I’m in the air and on the way to Las Vegas to participate in the largest EMC World conference ever, and can’t wait to get there.  EMC has been gracious enough to plug me into their Social Media Machine™ for the week, so the plan is to live-blog the larger events as they happen, and then to provide both a blog recap at the end of each day as well as a VCE-sponsored video recap as well.  The list of events keeps growing, and I have no idea how I’m going to get to everything!  Giddy up, indeed…


Over 500 sessions.  Over 100 labs.  Over 70 industry leading bloggers, along with all of the EMC blogging corps, including Chad Sakac, Chuck Hollis, Barry Burke, Scott Lowe and more.  The vSpecialists and EMC TC armies will be out in force, of course, but so will all of the product CTOs and their teams, so literally there isn’t going to be a better time to ask that question about that feature on that product that you’ve been wondering about.  And the parties!  Oh, the parties.  Never has networking with your peers (or those guys you really want to make you a job offer) been easier or more fun.

Can’t be here?  Don’t worry, I’ll help if I can.  If there’s something you want me to ask one of the EMC team, e-mail me (jeramiah dot dooley at VCE.com), send me a Tweet (@jdooley_clt) or leave a comment below and I’ll do my best!  What happens in Vegas definitely isn’t going to stay there this time!