Cisco Live Daily Blogger Techminute with VCE and Varrow

I was lucky enough to have Jay Cuthrell (@qthrul) back out at the last minute (ha) and was offered a spot in one of the daily vblogs that Cisco’s Didier Rombaut (@drombaut) and Brian Gracely (@bgracely) are doing every day here at Cisco Live 2011.  Also in the video is my fellow Charlottean and good friend Jason Nash (@nash_j) from Varrow.  We talk about John Chambers’ keynote a little and what it means for partners, and we talk about the state of VCE and where we are at today, and Jason gives a little insight into how we’ve been treating him as a partner.  I also discuss the new Cisco UC and HCS solutions that were announced this week.  I’m not quite over the hatred of hearing my own voice and the white VCE shirt certainly isn’t flattering, but we did it in one take!  It was a great experience and hopefully I’ll get to do it again sometime.  A big thank you to Brian, Didier and their entire production team who did a great job.


Brian, Jason and Jeramiah discussing Day 2 of Cisco Live 2011

Didier is posting these videos on Twitter and on his datacenter blog at so check out the other ones that he’s done and keep up-to-date on everything going on at the conference!