An Object at Rest

Conference BadgesHotel Keys2I have spent 3 years, 1 month and 27 days at VCE.

During that time, I’ve traveled 464,681 miles to 122 cities in 15 countries. I took 161 trips, spent 605 days on the road and 450 nights in hotel rooms. I got to meet with the best customers, work with the greatest teams, play with the best technology and make friends that I will have for the rest of my life.

I am very lucky, and very grateful.  I’m not blind to the opportunity I was given and the rewards I’ve reaped, personally and professionally.

VCE is a big machine, and while I was only a small cog I feel like I leave behind a legacy of INERTIA-640x420working hard, taking care of customers and partners, building and reinforcing the brand and personality that is VCE and helping to put phrases and ideas into the everyday lexicon of the company.  I’m proud of what we built, what it’s become and where it’s going.  I’m proud of how we took a concept, executed on it and then built it into something that defined a transition and a point in time in the infrastructure market.

While the ending has yet to be written, I’m proud to say I was there for the beginning and the middle of the VCE story.  One day, I promise you there will be books written about the ride that it was, and the stories that will be told are epic.  Through the highs and the lows, it was always an adventure.  Everyone should be so lucky to work at a place like this once in their career.

But now, I’m going to rest for a while. I’m going to play with my kids. I’m going to hang out with my wife. I’m going to enjoy the familyholidays without worrying what flight I’m supposed to be on next. Sometimes things happen to you, and sometimes things happen for you, and I’m choosing the latter in this case. There are other adventures to be had, I’m told, and now I have the freedom to go pick the one that excites me and my family the most.  While I’ve been circling (and circling, and circling) the globe, they have been unbelievably patient and understanding, but it’s time to give a little back while I have the opportunity.

To all of the VCE employees and partners I got the opportunity to work with, you made the last three years an incredible journey.  Thank you for everything.

To all of the people who are embarking on new adventures, and who might have room on the rocket for one more, keep me in mind.

Okay. What’s next?